BRENHAM & Virginia festivals
Texas arts and music festival
The Texas Arts and Music Festival is set to bring beautiful art displays and lively entertainment to downtown Brenham. The sixth annual installment of the festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 16th and 17th. The free, family-friendly festival will have live murals, an art village, a nationally acclaimed band Saturday night, and even an Art Dual with some of Texas’ top street artists.
You can now order items for use at the arts and music festival at your home or office۔۔۔
Levi Ponce of Los Angeles will be this year’s featured mural artist and will paint a mural highlighting a Washington County native at the corner of Commerce and South Park Street. A second mural will be added at the corner of Commerce and Douglas Street by Brenham artist and high school art teacher, Brooke Trahan, along with the help of her students. The artists will begin installation on Friday, October 15th and will complete their works by Sunday, October 17th.
New this year, the festival will host an Art Dual where 12 street artists from across the state will compete against one another to win cash prizes. Artists will be voted on by festival attendees in a round robin style tournament. Each artist will paint a 4-foot by 8-foot size canvas, and the collection on display will be updated by the hour. The Art Dual is being held in partnership with Something Cool Studios founded by Luis Angulo, who was a featured artist in last year’s festival.
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Butcher Bend Autumn Festival
The Butcher Bend Autumn Festival will be held for two weekends in October at the West Virginia Interstate Fairgrounds on Butcher Bend Road near Mineral Wells. The festival will be 7-10 p.m. Oct. 15, 16, 22 and 23. Admission and parking are free.
There will be children’s games, food, a slime lab and costume contests each night. A haunted barn and hay rides will be $3. A Trunk or Treat will be 7-8:30 p.m. Oct. 17. Visitors can decorate their cars and bring candy to give out, with a $100 first place prize and a $50 second place prize for best decorated cars.
You can now order items for use at the Butcher Bend Autumn Festival at your home or office
A rubber ducky raffle will be held, with tickets $1 each or six for $5. The prizes will be $250 for first, $125 for second and $50 for third. The drawing will be Oct. 23. There will be a pumpkin decorating contest from 7-10 p.m. each day of the festival. The age groups are 0-15 years and 16 and up and the contest is “bring your own pumpkin.” Pumpkins can be registered any night of the festival and the final judging will be 9 p.m. Oct. 24.
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